Mechanical FAQs
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Are replacement gears available for SeaStar Solutions helms?
How do I know which length steering cable I need?
a. Is the cable you are replacing rotary?
b. Are you doing a first-time steering cable installation?
No. SeaStar Solutions does not offer repair parts for any steering helms or cables. All helms and cables
must be replaced as units. If the helm in question is within our 2-year warranty period, we will authorize a
free replacement helm (not including labor). Attempting to repair a helm will void the warranty and can
lead to steering failure, which may result in personal injury and property damage.
The cable part number and length can usually be found about 2 feet from one end of the cable, stamped
into the plastic conduit (exterior jacket or casing). If you can't locate/read it, proceed to step a:
Rotary is a spiral wrapped black core wire that sticks out at helm end of cable. The rack and pinion
cable has long metal housing with rack [flat] gear inside (under the dash).
Measure the cable’s plastic jacket (casing) in inches. If rotary, add 18" and round up to the next foot.
If rack & pinion, add 30” and round up to the next foot.
Order that length cable.
Measure Cable Routing Path in Boat as Follows:
A = Center line of wheel to gunwale (inches),
B = Dash to transom (inches),
C = Gunwale to cable connection at centered tiller (inches).
For Tilt Tube Mounting, add A, B & C + 6”, and round up to the next foot. Order that length cable.
For Transom/Splashwell/Stringer Support Mounting, add A, B & C, then subtract 6” and round up to
the next foot. Order that length cable.
SeaStar Solutions Big-T is the only mechanical steering system with a version designed for dual station
boats. This specialized product cannot be added on to any existing steering system.
SeaStar hydraulic steering is the preferred choice for dual station boats.
NOTE: Please see the Big-T Dual Station product pages, earlier in this catalog. The cable for this system is
special-order and non-returnable, so please take extra care when measuring.
Note the old cable's rack housing color. It is probably black or gray, meaning that the old cable is "The
Rack (older) model (1984-2001). If the rack housing is green, it may be a TR188 model (1975-86). This is
a SeaStar Solutions system, but the helm will not bolt up to the new SSC134 cable. Replace the helm and
bezel kit with 1996-date "The Rack" versions.
Note: Please see The Rack Stern Drive product pages earlier in this catalog. Only the replacement cables
for 1984-1995 SeaStar Solutions Rack systems are available (part number SSC124xx).
What do I need in order to add another steering station to my boat?
I’m replacing a SeaStar Solutions rack & pinion cable in a 1985 boat. I ordered an
SSC134 “The Rack” cable and it won’t connect to the helm. What’s the problem?
I need a link arm to connect the steering cable output ram to the tiller of a
outboard. Can I get the link arm from SeaStar Solutions?
No. You should obtain this link arm from the engine maker. Link arms vary by engine, and the
engine maker offers the correct link arm for your particular brand and model.
STEERING - FAQ (Mechanical)