
One for the "I can't believe this just happened" file


Yesterday I finally got around to winterizing my 150. Got everything done without a hitch, then I went to remove the prop. As I removed the cotter pin, somehow it slipped from my needle nose pliers and shot into the water jacket of the gear case. I could not get it out. Do I have a problem or will it just shoot out by itself when spring rolls around.
Image100.jpgExcuse the crummy photo, it's dark at 5:00 pm now in New England. I may be calling the part incorrectly, the open area behind where the prop mounts is where the cotter pin popped into.
Not to worry.------------It would likely come out with the motor running.------------You should be able to find it with a flashlight and " dental mirror "
You need to rent a 5000lb. crane with a 30 ft boom. Attach a trailer ball to the cable end and lock into trailer coupler. Trim the outboard all the way in. With the boat firmly tied to the trailer, hoist the trailer and boat until vertical. The cotter pin will then simply fall out.

Sorry, but I just couldn't resist.:)

Yeah, if you can't fish it out with a pocket extendo magnet tool then it will probably just exit when it feels like it.
Well, if you can't find that crane jgmo recommended, then the next time you start it up, leave the prop off, and rev it up to about 2000 rpm with the bottom unit in a trach can full of water. That should flush it out.