
Morse controls rebuild kit?


Regular Contributor

I have a question about my Morse shifter binnacle

1987 27’ tiara with twin 2001 5.7 apha1 gen 2, 2bbl carbs

my Morse shifters were a little stiff and noisy when shifting. I also noticed that the sprig loaded ball bearing had worn a deep groove in the plate with the detents in it.

so I greased the bearing and took the detent plates off and flipped them over.

now my shifters pop up out of the detent position and won’t stay in the forward position and slip back towards neutral when ever I hit a big wave. The outdrives stay in gear but the shifters keep moving back towards the top. So if I power back for a no wake zone and take the load off they will actually come out of gear.

anyhow I’ve been searching and not been able to find rebuild kits. I’m thinking new indexing plates, springs and I design bearings would sort me out.

any thoughts on where I can Aquire these?

ill get pics of the system later tonight when I’m back at the boat
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My experience with side mount MORSE/Teleflex single levers is that they are difficult to maintain (you can grease the innards but not easy to do and not sure that accomplishes much) , and once they stop working....replace them. They are made of "pot metal" and have inexpensive bushings as bearings ...if they have them at all, and stamped steel gears. Furthermore, they are often assembled and kept together in such a way as to not be readily taken apart... and if taken apart, not reassembled.
They were developed to supply the "everyman" boat market back in the day...

Top mount and "binnacle" controls are another thing altogether as they often outlast the boat.
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Doesn’t look like my picture attachment worked

but mine are mounted on the top flat of my helm on the left for the dual shifters and the right in a separate binacle for the dual throttles
picture(s) would help...also, single or dual station, and if dual, cable routing method used??

As a rule, on the two level independent lever (inboard) setup, there is nothing to cause the shift lever to move either way.....most every one I've setup has a friction adjustment and little if any is needed for the lever for the gear....
By chance are these the Morse U-Flex controls?

Morse U-Flex .jpg

If so, and in my opinion, these are inferior and problematic controls.

You will have a much better system if you were to go with the time-tested-and-tried-and-proven Morse Twin-S controls.

Morse Twin S .jpg

Look closely at the mounting flange. This is the Twin-S.
If you do not see this flange, it is not a Twin-S.

Mine looks like the twin S except there are two of them... one for shifters for both motors and one for throttles for both motors

how do you adjust friction?

Is there a manual for these somewhere?
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