CDI Electronics Outboard Ignition Troubleshooting Guide

68 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE - Johnson/Evinrude Troubleshooting Johnson/Evinrude Troubleshooting WIRE READ TO RESISTANCE DVA (Connected) DVA (Disconnected) Brown Brown/Yellow 720-880 150-400 V 300 V Min (*) Orange Orange/Black 52-62 11-22 V 100 V Min (*) (*) This reading can be used to determine if a stator or pack has a problem. For instance, if you have no spark on any cylinder and the stator’s DVA reading is out of spec – disconnect the stator wires and recheck the DVA output. If the reading is still out of spec – the stator is bad. If the reading is now within spec – the pack is bad. (NOTE) Low readings on all checks indicate a possible problem with the flywheel magnets that require checking. (SERVICE NOTE) It is recommended that liquid neoprene be applied to the areas where piercing probes were used. 11. Check the DVA output from the power pack to the primary coil wires as follows: WIRE READ TO DVA (Connected) Orange/Blue Engine Ground 150 V + Orange/Purple Engine Ground 150 V + Orange/Green Engine Ground 150 V + (NOTE) If the DVA values are below these specifications, the power pack or sensor is likely bad. 12. Check the sensor DC voltage as follows: WIRE READ TO DC Voltage (Connected) Orange/Red Engine Ground 10.5-12 VDC Black/Orange Engine Ground 8-10 VDC (WARNING!!) The Black/Orange wire should NEVER be shorted to engine ground as this will damage the sensor. 13. Check the charge coil flywheel magnets for cracked, broken and loose magnets. ONLY HAS FIRE AS LONG AS THE KEY SWITCH IS ENGAGED OR WILL NOT REV ABOVE IDLE SPEED: Check the DVA voltage on the stator’s power coil (Orange to Orange/Black) as given above in Step #13: (NOTE) The readings should rapidly increase as the engine RPM increases and stabilize below 22 volts DVA (voltage exceeding 22 V DVA indicates a defective power pack). A sharp drop in voltage right before the miss becomes apparent usually indicates a bad stator winding. TRIES TO RUN BACKWARDS: 1. Verify the ignition coil primary wires are on the correct coils. Orange/Blue goes to the top cylinder, Orange/ Purple goes to the middle cylinder and the Orange/Green wire goes to the bottom cylinder. 2. Check the encoder wheel for physical damage. 3. Check the Idle timing. While in Quick-Start, it should be set to approximately 6° BTDC. After Quick-Start, it will be set to 4° ATDC. 4. Index the flywheel for all 3 cylinders. The timing should have the same off set from TDC for all cylinders. If the timing is off on one cylinder, replace the power pack. 5. Try another sensor. 6. Replace the power pack. NO FIRE ON ONE CYLINDER: 1. Check the ignition coil’s primary and secondary windings. WIRE READ TO RESISTANCE Ground Tab Primary Coil Tower 0.28 ohms +/- 20% Ground Tab Secondary Coil Tower 2000-2600 ohms 1. Swap the Orange wire for that cylinder with another cylinder and see if the problem moves. If so, replace the power pack. Johnson/Evinrude 60° 4 Cylinder Optical Ignition (OIS 2000)