
replacing oil case on 'old blu'


Silver Medal Contributor
Hi all,

Hoping for some "bright ideas" for getting the oil case and power head separated on an old 80's 10 hp bf100. I accidentally knocked over a customer's motor and cracked his oil case. No problem, I have a couple of old motors that I was going to restore so I'll just swap one of mine for his.


The case on the first "replacement" motor is stuck so bad to the engine that I cracked that one trying to get it off. I was being extra careful too!
I made double sure that the bolts were all out and, when I saw that it was going to be stubborn, I tried soaking it in PB Blaster before attempting to pry or tap it off. I was using a dead blow to tap on the case to try and break the bond at the gasket when it cracked. Now I'm scared! I only have one more motor to rob from and I can't afford the $700 for a new one. The motor isn't even worth that even though it is like new.

Any ideas for getting it off in one piece? Any sources for a good used one for a reasonable price? This guy is not happy I broke his motor and I don't blame him. The irony is that I was working on his "new" replacement for this one when I tripped over this one that he wants to sell. Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!

Any and all suggestions appreciated.
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Have you gone ahead and pulled the broken replacement apart? What was holding it so strong?

Never had this problem...although I have broken items on customer's motors. They were a lot easier to replace.

If it is just a stuck gasket, how about heat?

You can practice on the one you have already broke.

Wish I could be more help.

Thanks for the reply Mike. This primarily falls under the catagory of dumb, clumsy me. But, it is also an example of a phrase that the best mechanic I ever knew was fond of. When I'd ask him why in the world some of the stuff we worked on was so jacked up, he'd say "because Jim, somebody's a been here before ya"

That was the case here. I finally got it separated and there is some sort of nuclear glue and a homemade looking gasket. That stuff was as hard as glass and finally shattered before the rest of the case did. I hope that same guy didn't get to the other one. We'll see.