
Full throttle


New member
"I was reading in some past po

"I was reading in some past posts,that you should
run you motor at wot most of the time. I have a 2007 bf90d, I usually only run my motor at 4800 to 5000 rpms. Is this ok to do, or should I be running the motor at a higher (faster) rpms. I
run at that rpm range to try to save a little
I always use stabil in my gas and have a racor
water separator on the fuel line. thanks"
"Should run at WOT as much as

"Should run at WOT as much as possible for the first 100 hours after 25 hour break in period. That seats the rings and valves, improving performance and economy. Thereafter, run at WOT periodically to flush out carbon build up. Annually, run a decarboning mixture through your fuel, such as Seafoam, Valvtec, or one of the marine decarbonizers put out by Yamaha and Mercury."