
engine flushes


New member
Have the Yamaha T 50 4 stroke. Here in Florida some folks run the garden hose through the engine, engine off. Others says it is much better to use muffs and turn engine on. Any views please?

As you see I'm a rookie but loving my first skiff.
Running the engine on muffs is better because the engine reaches operating temp and thermostat opens allowing full flow through system whereas a cold flush does not
Per Yam there are 3 methods for flushing....muff, cowling hose, and bag. Which method depends on size of motor...>150hp can overheat on muff. This topic is thoroughly debated without 1 proven method being better than the other.

This link provides some good reading....a few posts are authored by master yam mechanics

I also have a T50 operating in saltwater.Cooling passage blockage is the biggest long term problem with these engines,otherwise these motors are tough as nails.Do a salt away flush and then every 6 months always fresh water flush.Are you mechanically minded?My second post and have'nt figured out how to post pics yet,but i do have of this very problem.