
Auto Blend service manual

Such a tremendous amount of hate over a request for information! Remember what your mama told you about saying nothing at all. And remember that it's my motor, not yours.
Is there anyone out there who has the maintenance requirements schedule? I would truly
I have worked on a lot of different equipment over the years. One of the things I learned is sometimes the help you don't get is the best help of all. Good luck with your motor
The manual foe Autoblend is in the service manual of the motor it was installed on.
I got the manual in the mail this last weekend. I was surprised that the auto blend was covered, since it's a stand alone item, used with a great many engines. It does have some valuable information, though. The diaphragm is susceptible to deterioration due to the alcohol in today's fuel. That's why maintenance is critical, particularly draining the unit when it's going to sit for a while. The authors also claimed that 75% of all repairs are due to improper maintenance, a sentiment that I wholeheartedly agree with. Having spent most of my 69 years making a living with a wrench in my hands, I've made quite a lot of money because of people who ignore maintenance. Best wishes to all, and special thanks for suggesting the engine manual!
Yup that's why Mercury discontinued them. Not the high failure rate when new.
It was a case of unfortunate timing. I remember the 80s, I changed a lot of mechanical fuel pumps when alcohol was added to the gas. The diaphragms were being destroyed. By the time the industry came out with an alcohol compatible diaphragm, Mercury had shifted to a crankshaft driven mixer that allowed for a different ratio based on RPM. The AutoBlend was orphaned, making maintenance absolutely critical. Knowing this now, I'll drain it whenever it's been sitting for even a couple of weeks.