
another water in oil thread OMC 4.3


New member
yes i know, another water in oil thread. about to maka big decision for this old Wellcraft 192. bought the boat in august, sat for 5 years, got her to start and ran beautifully. finally got around to changing oil (drilled a hole in oil pan) and i got a TONNNN of water. the engine runs fine but there was a lot of water. tired of it sitting so im either going to sell it, scrap it, or restore it. what must i do to make sure the block isnt cracked? can i use a chevy 4.3 head gasket? just where should i go from here?

thank you and sorry for the extra water in oil thread
post # 3 in this thread shows you what you're testing for and how to introduce air to pressure test.
DO NOT take the cylinder heads off. I guess that thinking is a carry over from our front-wheel drive import car world we live in.... A boat has a very different engine and cooling system. The coolant is not pressurized, and the engine is all cast iron, so head gaskets are not doing the same level of coolant sealing as they are in aluminum 4 bangers.
im in the process of removing the intake to look for cracks, nearly done but everything seems VERY rusty. if i end up not keeping it, would it be better to remove the engine or sell boat with engine? how much would a running but cracked 4.3 cost?? OMC from 87?
finally got the intake off. to my surprise everything was clean and no cracks on the block. but on the port side, the holes on the head were orangy and nasty. my boat terminology isnt great but what would this mean??
finally got the intake off. to my surprise everything was clean and no cracks on the block. but on the port side, the holes on the head were orangy and nasty. my boat terminology isnt great but what would this mean??

Ayuh,.... Orange is Rust,....

A 1987 boat with a cracked motor, runnin' or not, is 'bout worthless,...
On craigslist, it'll be worth the value of the trailer, if there is one,....
on ebay people are selling 4.3s with cracked blocks, cracked heads, all rusty and not running for $300-400 all day. my block isnt cracked in the "valley" region they usually crack (im in florida so cold is not a problem), thats about all i know, the intake manifold gaskets were is terrible condition. on craiglist around here id say this boat is worth at least $700 with the trailer and if im lucky up to 1100. but then again i have no experience and quite optimistic
thats a bid and reserve is not met.. its like an auction if you dont know how ebay works. whats wrong with removing the intake, or heads? i was planning on new gaskets anyways.
thats a bid and reserve is not met.. its like an auction if you dont know how ebay works. whats wrong with removing the intake, or heads? i was planning on new gaskets anyways.

Ayuh,.... You've broken open the coolin' jackets, so a air pressure test is no longer possible to find the crack,...
you're fartin' in the wind once you take manifold and heads off. You need to waste new gaskets, reassemble it all and then pressure test it to find the cracks.

and yep, 99 cents was the high bid.
eBay determines the value of every used boat part in the free market.
he had a reserve, he had pick up only, low feedback and much other faults, ive been using ebay forever so i know what im doing and what he did wrong. i was offered $350 for my engine today but didnt take it. oh geez i wish i had known about, im going to buy cheap chevy gaskets and have the whole engine and actual boat surveyed
If it is possible to be more obnoxious when asking for advice I haven't yet seen an instance. You sir own a broken boat that has no value. If you paid 3 or 4 hundred for it then that is the price of your first lesson. Haul it to the dump, pay your $50 to scrap it and move on.
lol possibly the worst people on a forum i have ever spoken to. contacted previous owner (coworker) and he had it surveyed already. engine is fine, rotten stringers. thanks for the help.. not
lol possibly the worst people on a forum i have ever spoken to. contacted previous owner (coworker) and he had it surveyed already. engine is fine, rotten stringers. thanks for the help.. not

Ayuh,.... Motor is Fine,..?? It was Full of Water, that ain't Fine,....

Denial is a terrible place to be,.... :rolleyes:
yeehaw, you can do it buckeroo! get in there and put some stringer epoxy in - she'll pull 10 skiers at 70 mph.

(Is that better?) lol - ya, we suck. bunch of jaded ol' codgers.