
2006 BF225 blown head gasket or corroded block


New member
while searching for what i thought was a fuel issue, i discovered water in the intake manifold. drained the oil and the last few ounces had milky drops so water is in the block. my question is what's more likely on a 2006 with 2000 hours, corrosion or gasket. obviously if corrosion it's junk but how hadr or how expensive would new gaskets be?
Most likely corrosion, remove the cylinder heads and inspect. It is worth replacing a head if the block is in good condition.
Sometimes corrosion is throughout, you will not know until the heads are off.Inspect very carefully inside the water jackets of the block.
Hello everyone!! I have a 2006 225, with 1000h, I have notice water leak on the engine mount bolt, please can you help me, if someone had same issue, is the corosion ploblem or what, thank you so much.
Welcome! Saltwater motor? Can you start a new post? That way we can apply specific attention to your case. To add a photo, just size it to under 1000k. Thanks, Tim
Hello timguy, yes saltwater motor I am New Here,so I need time to catch everytging. IMG_20220118_214911.jpg....
Mount case gasket leaking, use a good quality sealant on the section of gasket surrounding the main water passage, top and bottom gaskets as per the manual
You will need to remove the power head to do this job.If it was mine, I don't think I'd worry about it as long as water is not getting into the oil.
I Will, i need to do this......but for me is wery strance,how can water come to the uper side od Mount case gasket? IT only comes around oil tank on the down side of gasket....thank you for answer,this forum Here helpd me a lot,
Hello everyone, i just Want to thank you all for helping me with water leak from Mount case,i found the problem today it was a small hole,inside....many thanks for help,and best wishes grom Croatia (Europe) to all od you Honda owners
Thanks for the report. Lots of Croatians here in Northern MN. Huge numbers came here in the early 1900's. I grew up with your fellow countrymen right here, among my finest friends and Mentors. Senich, Phillipich, Polich, Velasich, Majkich, Smilanich, Viusich, Radich, Vukich, the list goes on and on. My avatar features a giant of a man, Melvin "Farmer" Philipich....6' 4" and 240 pounds. My very best friend and wise, wise man. Still fish with his son, Tom who just turned 80, plays tennis still competitively, incredible man too. Built his own company in Minneapolis MN, "Nortronics". Specializing in recording and playing heads.

Take care, my friend.

Here is Tom up at our camp last summer with his grandson. This is a Lake Trout. His boat is an older 18' Lund with 125 Yamaha.


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