
1989 40hp outboard Evinrude shifting issues


New member
I apologize in advance if my boat terminology is off, I am not mechanic, boat or otherwise.

A friend of mine asked me to help him out with an issue with his 40hp evinrude motor. He said that after he replaced the water pump, the shifter no longer worked. I discovered that it was stuck in reverse and would not even attempt to go in forward. I traced this issue to the shifter rod linking to the prop gearbox itself. Somehow it looks like the bushing piece on the shifter arm somehow got disconnected, and got stuck behind the drive piece which either gets pushed or pulled in order to put the prop in forward and reverse. Its hard to explain this without knowing the proper terminology. This is why I took pictures.
Its hard to see, but here's the photo I took from inside the shaft where the shift rod linkage travels down to the front/inside of the prop gearbox. My question is, how do I get that piece out from behind there? Do i have to pull out the entire prop drive and bearing assembly? I really hope there's an easier way. Any help is appreciated


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