
1977 OMC 351w cooling system


Contributing Member
How can I convert to a closed cooling system or can it even be done?I dont nothing about what it involves,my boat is a 1977 Cobalt with a 351W with a yep you guessed it! OMC Electric Stringer outdrive! LOL and if it can be done would it be worth the money to do it? The reason for wanting to do this becuz if I do use it in salt water ,which I really dont plan on it but it would be nice to keep the salt water out of the engine Thanks for advice and suggestions
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Is it on a trailer or always in the water? I ask because an occasional dip in salt water is not going to kill your engine. I know of boats that have thirty year old manifolds on them and they have been in the brackish Chesapeake the whole time. If it is on a trailer and you can run fresh water thru it after a run in the brine, then you'z golden.
Adding fresh water cooling isn't a big thing considering the robust raw water pump on your drive. All you need is a heat exchanger for a half system. And the plumbing and brackets of course.
no its always on the trailer when not in use......thanks for the info.......my father had a 26 ft cabin crusier down in SF,California and he always left it in the Salt water this was back in about 1977,and it took its toll leaving it in the water all the time,where he lived just about nobody owned a trailer becuz it was all Condo"s right on the water LOL he probly had a OMC stringer also I know it had a 350 chev in it thou.........yes I will flush it after every use,I put on a flush kit on it like Hystat told me how,its really dont take not to much time or energy to do it.LOL I really dont plan on taking it in the big pond very much just take my wife out she loves the ocean Thanks alot