
will a 1/2 pint of carb cleaner in tank hurt engine


Regular Contributor
i picked up a little 55 evinrude 7.5 wasnt started in 2 yrs it started on 3rd pull but just spits now and then for the most part it runs nice but i had a old timer tell me he started useing a half pint of stp carb cleaner in a full 6 gal tank of gas and oil will this hurt my motor any by the way he had a 10hp briggs lawn mower engine mounted to a johnson lower end it was the funniest looking out board id seen but it pushed his 16 river john pretty good but i kinda made him mad when i laughed but i apologized and he said thats ok your not the first
Carburetor cleaner attacks plastic, rubber, cork, just about anything that can be reduced to debris. I wouldn't use it as mentioned.

The lawn mower/Johnson outboard should give you a clue about someones line of thought.
I don't think it will hurt anything, but it won't help anything either , so why bother?

If your motoer is running poorly - Fix it! There is no "magic potion".