
What to check before starting up after Winter


New member
"Hello,I have a 92 115 Mercury

"Hello,I have a 92 115 Mercury that has been sitting up for about 8 months with fuel stabilizer in it.Woundering what all i should go over before taking the family out. Thanks"
"You should start it up on a f

"You should start it up on a flushing device before you haul the rig down to the water.

If you didn't change the plugs before you layed it up, now is a good time - ditto the lower unit oil. Also, if you didn't change the impeller last year (or the year before for that matter), it's due as well.

After prolonged storage I usually run some "powertune" through the motor as well - gets the "cooties" out - available from any Merc dealer for about 5 bucks..."
"Thanks for the info.I know I

"Thanks for the info.I know I can do all of that myself but about changing the impeller,how hard is that?I just never realy tore into an outboard before (car man mostly)."
An impeller job is pretty easy

An impeller job is pretty easy if you bend wrenches on cars. But best to get a manual - worth the 35 bucks. Selocs is a great one for general maintenance (including some of the more involved processes)...