
What now 70Hp power head repair


I ran the engine without 2 str

I ran the engine without 2 stroke oil for about 10 minutes at a moderate power setting. See old post for details. Cylinders are out. The top and middle cylinders are scored as are the pistons walls. The lower piston and walls appear fine. The crank appears fine. The bearings appear fine. What do I do now? Take it to a shop and have them look at pieces for evaluation? I think some parts are fine but I don't have the eye that someone working in these engines all the time would have. Purchase new parts? Have machine shop fix cylinder walls? Buy oversized pistons and rings? Thanks in advance.
Take it to a shop for evaluati

Take it to a shop for evaluation...yes there are experts on this forum but they are not looking at the components.

The shop will advise you what pieces are salvagable and whats not...do your sums and see if its worth rebuilding.