
What a beauty if we may be able to bfreezeb down some of the old mechs still around


Silver Medal Contributor
"What a beauty if we ma

"What a beauty if we may be able to 'freeze' down some of the old mechs still around", ......and how old r u morty?....33??.......true,technology,is the wave of the future.........i just dont think,...according to our 'customers' on here,and at MY shop.//...that AMERICA..........is quite ready,..to dump us 'old ' mech's.....just yet...............................maybe,..in ASIA..!!"
"You may close to double it.

"You may close to double it.
It may not be the customers 'dumping' us, but time and age!
It seems to be easier to get spares for a 60 year old Evinrude/Johnson than a 60 year old mech!
probably why the engines will outlast the mechs!