
Volvo 260A Thermostat 140 or 160?

Rainbow Bridge

New member
Hi All,
Recently I've heard if you're running primarily in fresh water, you can go to a 160 degree thermostat to make the engine run better....(not as rich)....and that this would help at higher altitudes...say 3700 ft (Lake Powell)

There set up to run great just like they are.I wouldn't mess with it.
The jets/carb are the things to worry about for real higher elevations.
What I'd worry about is ethanol. Use the additives. J
Yes, if raw water cooled, and where you are in lake water, run the 160*.
If closed system cooled, also run the 160*.

The cooler stats are for raw water cooled in salt water to help against salt crystallization that occurs above 143* or so.

I do agree with Jerry regarding high altitude operation and proper main jet metering.
If you travel between San Diego and Lake Powel, the more simple thing to do, is to own two identical carburetors, and a stack of gaskets.
One carburetor jetted for San Diego.... one for Lake Powel.
Ignition TA can also be varied some for Lake Powel use.
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