
Using a Floscan on 225hp 4 stroke


New member
Has anyone had any negative results by using a Floscan within the fuel system. I had a Yamaha mechanic tell me yesterday that since this instrument restricts fuel flow down to 1/4" it could and had caused a burned piston to occur, he also said that other engine manufactories have sent out written bulletins that the warranty would be voided if they use anything that restricted the fuel flow to the engine such as the Floscan metering.
I have just installed this on my 2006 225 Yamaha 4 stroke and if there is a known and verified problem I would like to know.

Yamaha makes a flow meter that is acceptable with that motor. Also I'm sureflow scan makes a product that will flow 25 gph and stay within 6 in. hg vacume limit. You could also put a vac gauge at the motor to test after you are done with the install.