
Trimtilt fluid loss


Regular Contributor
"290 leg: at cruise power I no

"290 leg: at cruise power I notices that the leg angle dial had moved to -4 from zero. Stopped and attempted to schedule the leg up or down with little success. Lots of hydraulic fluid in the water behind the boat. No fluid leaks when the engine is off and the trim is not actuated.

Any ideas as to the likely problem? Difficut/simple to repair?

I've got to get it onto the trailer before I can get a close look but there is no fluid in the bilge.

Thanks, Tom"
"Tom, see this link.


"Tom, see this link.

http://www.volvopentastore.com/CONNECTING_COMPONENTS_AQ_DRIVE_UNIT_290/dm/cart_i d.592771787--session_id.801022596--store_id.366--view_id.321256

What I would look for first is the condition of the high pressure hose and fittings (part 51), condition of the high pressure hydraulic tubing and fittings (part 48), and anything obvious in any of the cylinders.

You better fix this problem before the open the sockeye in less than 3 weeks.
"Thanks Eduardo. I was saying

"Thanks Eduardo. I was saying to myself on the way back to the marina how nice it was not to have to start the season fixing something. I guess I gotta stop talking to myself. The engine with the new Weber carb is running great. NOw the @#*&% leg? Boats are really fun

I guess I should concider it all as a learning opportunity......."