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A bit embarrassed to admit this stupid move, was shooting some seafoam "Deepcreep" into the spark plug holes of my 8.2 crusader and shot the little plastic "extension" tube right down into the cylinder. Could not have done that if I would have tried. I am still on the hard waiting to be splashed next week. Actually I am not the first to shoot one of these things in an engine, read about it on a forum but the guy shot it into his throttle body. He started up the engine and apparently it ingested the tube without so much of a hiccup.
So, anything to be worried about?
Ugh. I for one would not want to run it. If somethingbad would happen it would happen to me. Maybe dissconnect the coil and get that cyl to tdc the try to fish it out with a wire or something.
Try a high pressure shop vac to bring it up to the spark plug hole....if it doesn't come out right away, turn the vac off and try again.....it may eventually peek out the hole.

You can also reverse flow the vac and securely fasten some small plastic tubing on the end of the vac with electrical tape and 'blow" into the cylinder and try to blow the errant tube out..

Play with it...you've got until next week ;)
For you piece of mind, you can try fishing it out. manually rotate to TDC and go fishing. Pretty easy if you have access to a borescope and a set of long hemostats. If not, like lou said, it isn't gonna hurt anything long term.

BTW, welcome to the land of the humble and kudos for having the cojones to ask the question.
hey, I just ran a transmission with no fluid! That's nothing to be ashamed of :)

I would fish it out myself but wouldn't panic if I couldn't get it. Perfect excuse to buy a borescope if you don't have one, it's a great tool to have on the boat.
thanks, have to confess as I was sitting in my engine room with a "wtf" look on my face, I did consider phrasing it "I had a friend who"... I am going to try to fish it out but after reading the posts here and in another forum the general consensus seems to be that the tube is too soft to damage anything and the heat of the combustion will pretty much vaporize the plastic so if I cannot get it out I am not going to pull the engine apart to find it. Say a little prayer, close my eyes and punch the start button and see what happens...
As soon as you get oil pressure, put the throttle up to 2000 RPM and let it run there for a minute or two...nothing like a bit of heat to eliminate that plastic.
Yes...but the heat of the engine running could melt the plastic and then the melting plastic could make the piston stick and the engine would quit...yes???

no way - it won't last long enough with all the heat. as it gets hotter, it will get softer until it boils then burns...probably all within seconds
Just to give some idea on the amount of plastic we are talking about, this is one of those little skinny red tubes that are taped are the side of the can of a multiple array of spray lubricants, it is about a tenth of a gram of plastic total. If that little thing locks up a 502 engine I will "eat my shorts", my primary concern was that some residue would gum up the valve seats.
Geeeze guys....do you not see the .gif of Mickey Mouse laughing ????

I guess my warped sense of humor failed to 'fly' with that one:D:p
Hmmmm...well to put your mind at ease, you can fiddle around for a day or so trying to get it out. Then, if and when the frustration and impossibility factor sets in, screw in the spark plug, and start the engine, letting it vaporize into a momentary exhaust odor of melting plastic. A screw, nut, or socket on top of the piston would be a much more serious issue.
Some of us aren't as keen on the more subtle actions around us after the sun goes down on a long day.

I'd say you were flying fine, Done; it was my interrogator that missed it.
I don't care much for the idea of what the melted plastic may do within the cylinder... micro-second or not!

A Hobby Shop may sell a mini version of a Mechanic's retrieval tool.

Between the Bore Scope for locating, and the retrieval tool, you should be able to grab it.

Scott, I'm buying 100,000 of those tubes all you have to do is report your power and mileage increased by 50%. We will be rich.
If you use a boroscope, be careful not to drop the end of it in your...

Sorry! Couldn't resist. I doubt if that little bit of plastic will hurt you.

Yeah, with my luck something would fall off of a fancy new tool, like the "mechanics retrieval tool" grabber things and I'd be really screwed. (honestly man, that thing looks like it should have a proctologist on the other end of it...)
Will advise if I get an increase in horsepower and gph... gotta a name for it... "Scott's marvelous mystery tube"... I'll put Mickey Mouse on the bottle. And then when you actually TRY to shoot it into the spark plug hole, it will bounce out.
..."I'll put Mickey Mouse on the bottle. And then when you actually TRY to shoot it into the spark plug hole, it will bounce out. "

Hey! That's the answer to your problem: Leave the spark plug out and fire it up. That plastic crap shold blow right out the hole! It went in that way, right?

You may be able to contact the cast of the "Honey I shrunk the Kids" movie.
Send one of the kids in after it.

Hell, you may as well have them look at the other 7 cylinders while you're at it. ;)

what a wonderful divergence.

i was thinking PTI - plastic tube inject(ed)ion, depending upon the final packaged product...
Take about 10" of "3-M" double stick tape and fold it over a piece of bendable wire, fish around in the hole, you should be able to easily drag it out.
Okay, went to work on boat this weekend, figured I pull the plug and turn it over a few times. (still out of water so no starts...) Honestly have no idea if I blew that #$%^ thing out or not, the fact I did not find it means nothing as you all know what engine compartments look like, and I sure wasn't going to gaze into that hole, I'd shoot my eye out! but hang tight guys, Friday is "DER TAG" Will let ya all know how finally how this boner move ends up!
I was thinking about the stroke of this engine and the length of the spray tube but obviously with the angle of insertion and the piston in its' 4 to 1 odds of being in the lowest position....it works
Well, got some good news and some bad news, the good news is that my engine did not even give a hic-up when I fired it up... couple of cranks and it started right up. The only thing that came out of the exhaust was a birds nest... Bad news is no increase in gph, no power increase... so no new "miracle" cures...
Thanks all, all's well that ends well I suppose.