I recently bought a Cajun Bass Boat that the tach wasn't working. I got under the dash today to see if the wires are connected and to the right posts. Everything looked good so I started checking for continuity from the tach to the engine. Everything appeared to be ok until I checked the ground. When I checked to make sure that there was a ground from the engine to the tach, the digital ohmmeter went blank. Checked it a couple times to make sure and it always went blank. Out of curiosity, I checked to see if there was power to the ground and it showed that there was some voltage there. So I connected a wire to the ground post and grounded it to the engine and the tach still didn't work. Don't ask me why (because I don't know), I disconnected the ground at the tach and cranked the engine and the tach seems to be working fine without the ground hooked up. Tried it a couple times to make sure. I haven't had it on the water to check at different throttle settings but will check that later this week if the weather permits. So my question is, is there a danger to damaging the tach or to get inaccurate readings without the ground wire hooked up?
I had read that there should be a dial on the back of the tack to adjust the tach to the engine, but this tach doesn't have that feature. It is a Cajun branded tach and from appearances is the original one to the boat based on the branding on it.
I had read that there should be a dial on the back of the tack to adjust the tach to the engine, but this tach doesn't have that feature. It is a Cajun branded tach and from appearances is the original one to the boat based on the branding on it.