
Stringer replacement


New member
"I have to replace my stringer

"I have to replace my stringers as well as all
wood supporting an inboard V6 engine. Is it
feasible to use the composite "Trex" instead
of vulnerable (to splitting and rotting) wood?
I can not find any strength values of Trex up
on its 1 1/2" edge and if it would be possible
to screw and glass a floor onto it. Considering
the cost of wood, plus resin, plus fiberglass might this be a decent trade-off? Any one ever work with this product? Thanks"
Couple of us went thro

Couple of us went through that thought a while ago and came up with some negative answers. First off standing that on end gives you zero flex on the hull ( do need some ). We couldn't find one resin, epoxy or poly that would bond to it. They do manufacture a really volatile concoction that will do a semi decent job of bonding but it will eat your fiberglass up in no time. I think you're pretty much stuck with the ole' wood. At least those were our conclusions.
You could go with a high density foam but you'd need to really beef up your engine mounts. Hey, it's a boat - . Nothing's gonna' be cheap or easy."