
Somebody done this before me


"In looking for a 2 stroke old

"In looking for a 2 stroke older dependable 6 HP Yachtwin, because they have a charge system built in at the factory. It was Carig,s list and Hampton Va that I found this beauty. And my trouble began. Seems there is a major exhaust gasket high up on the foot where the power head meets and about 6- bolts holding things together. While taking apart I'm seeing two bolts are broke off in the motor housing. I was able to drill and remove one bolt with easy-out. But the second one looks to be a broken off tap. Now what do I do? Is there such a thing as a diamond drill bit to drill into a tap? Hummmm Any help? Or been there done thats? Ideas welcome. I may take this to a machine shop. What do you think? It's a 1986 Evinrude."
Cobalt is the bit you want but

Cobalt is the bit you want but the key is drilling the center. Then you will need a good screw extractor and some heat.
it will be much easier done at

it will be much easier done at a machine shop........if it is a broken off tap youll have a good time drilling it out ............. mush less getting it straight.
"Use a stainless steel arc wel

"Use a stainless steel arc welding rod and build up a blob on the end of the broken off bolt. the stainless steel sticks like sh#t to a blanket and the heat transfer through the broken bolt loosens the corrosion, you then use a pair of vise grips to turn it out"
"jamie campbell,

The SS ar

"jamie campbell,

The SS arc welding rod build up blob,, will stick to the( TAP ) material? And the heat of this is not to much for the aluminium block ? Have you done this yourself? Sounds intresting."
no one is going to drill a tap

no one is going to drill a tap you need an EDM in a machine shop quite expensive.EDM is electronic discharge machine.
The dastardly deed is done !!

The dastardly deed is done !! Took it to a machine shop and the ( Tap ) is out and gone. Phew Now for the heli-coils.

This 6 HP is just right for my 22 ft. sailboat cause the more popular 9.9 is just to big and heavy for the boat and the bracket. Wish me luck that it goes back well.

The guy that did it wasn't there when i pick up the motor.