
Some final assembly questions.


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Is it OK to fill the unit with oil with the upper cap off.
After installing the lower this week I wanted to check the upper gears. While I had the cap off, I thought Why not dump oil in here till the upper screw gets covered.
I added the oil slow and saw and heard bubbles coming from the lower?
Seems like the air came out. Any thoughts on this?

I want new seals for the drain screws. Are O-rings from the local hardware store OK? or should I get the made flat rubber ones?

p.s. I know the washers go UNDER the screw head. LOL
Is it OK to fill the unit with oil with the upper cap off.

No. Pockets of air get left inside the OD. It's always "bottums up" for the OD oil fill and a cold beer when you are done. Don't use "O" rings because they will crush flat and not always seal properly. Buy a dozen of the correct oil seals from a dealer. They have just the right amount of give to provide a tight seal while keeping the scew from backing out.
No. Pockets of air get left inside the OD. It's always "bottums up" for the OD oil fill and a cold beer when you are done. Don't use "O" rings because they will crush flat and not always seal properly. Buy a dozen of the correct oil seals from a dealer. They have just the right amount of give to provide a tight seal while keeping the scew from backing out.
X 2, No it's not safe to fill it from the top, even though you think you got all the air out.:eek:

Fill from the bottom to be safe;), It not worth the chance, Mercury went out of their way to test this theory for you all ready at your expense.:D
MY pump has Evinrude xp oil in it. Should I buy a "merc" only pump or would a little OMC oil be OK?
Guess I could do the bottle squeeze, I'll need that beer after that.;)