
reverse problems


New member
i have a 1999 m50d2, cant get reverse, pull controls back and you can hear it trying to go but it just won't go, when i hook water to it on the trailer, i can pull it into reverse and the prop spins, in neutral the prop stops, but when i get the boat in the water i cant get reverse, i've adjusted the linkage alittle but no reverse, any help would be appreciated.
Time to check out the shifting setup. Disengage the shift cable clevis at the motor. Manually place the motor in N. Set the control in N. Then see if the clevis slips over the arm freely. If not, adjust the clevis until it does. If that's OK, put the motor (manually, without the control cable) in reverse and see if that's OK. Verify that both ends of the cable are engaged in the locking gates properly, and check the condition of the cable. If all of this checks out, you need to see if there's slop in the system. Disassemble the control box to make sure you are getting full throw from the cable, and make sure the linkages at the motor are installed correctly.

If it is in fact shifting fully into reverse, but the clutch dog is chattering, you will need to pull the LU apart and look for bad clutch faces on the dog and on the R gear. If the tangs are rounded, it's time for new parts there.

Remember to always shift BRISKLY into gear. Don't ease into gear, as that promotes chattering and wear.
cables are new, clevis lines up, i manually put it in reverse, it catches slightly but u can turn the prop pretty much by hand while it's in reverse, so i take it i'm gonna have to get it to someone to look at it further right, unless it's something i can do. is it a big job to pull lu? and by the way, you answered a post i had about my tilt/trim, i finally got the air bled out thanks, it makes a big difference, i glad there's guys like you who are willing to help people, so thank you and merry xmas and happy new year
Yep, you have an issue in the LU. Likely need a new clutch dog and R gear. If you have decent mechanical skills and good tools, grab a Factory service manual, available from any dealer (including me)(forget the aftermarket manuals), and check it out.

Glad the TT worked out :)
ok, how do i get a manual and how much,also i'm hoping you have a source for parts, and i was wondering, i paid 1500 for this motor, actually it was boat,motor,and trailer, was this a reasonable deal, the owner was an older man that didnt get out in the the boat much, the motor only has around 20 hours on it, i know the guy real well and would believe him about the hours, also, until i got it, it has never been in saltwater, thanks for all your help!
You would order Part # 003-21036-1, $44.17 plus postage, from any dealer, including me. You can email me at the office: [email protected]. I have one on the shelf. The deal you got sounds OK. You will know more after you get the LU apart. When you drain the fluid, do you find any metal shavings?