
Question for Joe Reeves


Contributing Member
" Joe,
I have a 1962 Johnson

" Joe,
I have a 1962 Johnson 40 horse that the coils
were taken off of. There are 3 holes on each
coil and I have 6 screws, 4 short ones and 2
long ones(1-1/2"). Can you tell me where the
longer ones go? Do they belong in the holes
closet to the shaft? "
Dave.... You are correct. Thos

Dave.... You are correct. Those long screws go in the holes closest to the crankshaft. They go clear through the armature plate to help secure the armature plate to the support that is attached to the top of the block.

Notice the top of the aluminum boss that the coil will sit upon. There are small bevels there. The metal vertical portion of the coil must align with the inside portion of that bevel to allow the proper clearance between the coil and the flywheel magnets.

Joe (30+ Years With OMC)