


New member
I recently had our props stolen off our boat in winter storage. I am at a loss as to the size that was on the boat. It is an 1987 Wellcraft St Tropez with Model 350 Crusaders and V drives. Can any one help with either what was on the boat originally or suggest something possibly better. Thanks for the help.
If you had the props tuned in the last several years, find your invoice and see if the info is listed.
Agree.... a good starting point would be a recommendation by someone who owns the same boat and engine/drive combination.
If not..... then you do no differently than anyone else, and that is Trial & Error until you achieve your OEM specified WOT RPM.

When you find the correct props, perhaps put this info in your log book!
You could always contact wellcraft for their recommendations....another option would be to talk to your preferred new prop source. They will likely have an info sheet for your boat - fill it out and they will get your a size recommendation(s) as well as the price. If it was me, I'd find a 'prop-scan' outfit or someone with a similar capability.
If you do not have the info, you could look up the same boat on one of the boat sales websites
and many times they list all the equip and specs. You could also call Wellcraft if they are still
in business.
Thanks Jeff, yes boat was insured. I have e-mails into a bunch of prop sales manuf. etc. , most want to know alot of info that I don't have at this time. We'll see if Wellcraft responds. Thanks again.
I guess this is sorta like closing the barn door after the horse has gone:eek: and this is probably preaching to the choir...... but I would strongly suggest that every boater reading this thread take heed and ensure all pertinent boat data is safely stored somewhere.

For example, I have data for every piece of removable equipment, including all electronics, filed in my desktop PC as well as my two laptops, one of which goes on my boat when we set sail.

This includes all equipment on my tender as well.

As well, a copy of the information is stored in a binder on my main vessel. The information stored contains all serial numbers as well as source and costs of all the items. Anything I have added to my boat has also had it's photo taken and stored.

Perhaps a bit anal but when something goes wrong, or heaven forbid, goes missing, I do have a great starting point.

Happy Gnu Year !!:)
Totally agree with Don's statement--he's a pilot, and those guys have to be very well organized!

We also record, in our log book, every detail every time we leave the slip: engine hours, destination, time we left and got back, and how each motor ran. Not only is this a great diagnostic tool (when a problem develops later on), it provides a LEGAL document showing wnen and where you were if some slug tries to blame a problem on you, (Don't laugh; it's happened.)

I do one other (anal) thing: I made a list showing where most of my tools, spare parts and repair stuff (like duc tape, fasteners, gasket material, etc.) is located. I call it my Inventory List, and it saves hiurs of searching for things! The list began when we on the hook one day with nothing to do.
