
Old diesel treatments


"I've 2, 100 gallon tanks

"I've 2, 100 gallon tanks (presently each 1/2 full) The tanks are cross connected with no shutoff valves to allow isolation between tanks.
We go long periods between travel, so I guess you can say that at any one point, we have "old fuel" and likely will always have.ASIDE from a polishing system (just not in the present budget), what treatments should I be adding? We live in Louisiana, I imagine tank growth is something I need to worry about in addition to whatever other long term storage issues there are.
We do run the Genset off the same tanks & occasionally dump in 5-10 gallons of fresh diesel.
What should I be doing? Thanks"
"Thank you Just In Time.
In s

"Thank you Just In Time.
In searching for a local sourse, I ran across another type. Star-Tron. It is an enzyme, & supposed to bind and carry the bugs onto the filters,unlike the "cides" that kill & sink them. Both have their pros & cons I guess. Me, ?????"