bare with me while i explain this i know this is more of an electrical question but honestly no one replies in the electrical forum. every wiring diagram i find on the ignition system says the same thing but i think they are wrong and it makes no sense to me that they all can be wrong starting with the sticker on the motor the seloc book and every cdi troubleshooting guild diagram. the chances they are all wrong is prolly less then zero right but yet when i look at this diagram in my head it doesn't make sense. so let me explain and tell me what you think.
so first off from what i can tell from looking at the replacement parts and from other websites my 2 cdi modules are the same thing i do have a blue and a black one but they both have the capability of feeding 2 coils so even though i only have a 3 cylinders they packs would also work if i had 4. they both have 2 output wires red and and orange. one 1 pack it has 1# coil and 2# coils andon the other it has 3# coil but like i said has a red wire capped not connected cuz there are only 3 cylinders. ok hopefully we are still on the same page this is were it gets a lil hard to follow ok so they have the 2 blue wires from the stator going to the same terminal i think they did that because they didn't have a empty terminal for it to go to and if it was a 4 cylinder it would go to the terminal on the cdi mod feeding coil 4 which is the case cuz i've looked at the diagrams for a 4 cylinder. now this is where i think the mistake is being made there are lil numbers on the terminal bar 1's 2's 3's 4's i'm pretty sure these are corresponding with the mods #1 #2 # 3. the 4's would be for the the output not being used because i only have 3 cylinders not 4. i'm going to post a picture with just the module pack i'm talking about cuz the one that does #1 and #2 works fine and seems right.
I don't know if it makes it less confusing but it comes down to the trigger wires being connected with the wires for #3 and the yellow wire that feeds the power into the module being connected with the wire for #4 i understand that the numbers on the terminal bar aren't real and don't really mean anything but if that yellow wire is to feed the redwire that's not connected then i would get no spark and if the trigger wires are meant to set off the the #3 output being the orange then i would also get no spark. now maybe the numbers don't exactly correspond with the module numbers and yellow does feed power to the orange and the trigger wires are telling the orange wire to fire and maybe my pack is just no good and i'm banging my head into a wall for no reason. but what if its just these wiring diagrams are screwed up guess only one way to find out.
so first off from what i can tell from looking at the replacement parts and from other websites my 2 cdi modules are the same thing i do have a blue and a black one but they both have the capability of feeding 2 coils so even though i only have a 3 cylinders they packs would also work if i had 4. they both have 2 output wires red and and orange. one 1 pack it has 1# coil and 2# coils andon the other it has 3# coil but like i said has a red wire capped not connected cuz there are only 3 cylinders. ok hopefully we are still on the same page this is were it gets a lil hard to follow ok so they have the 2 blue wires from the stator going to the same terminal i think they did that because they didn't have a empty terminal for it to go to and if it was a 4 cylinder it would go to the terminal on the cdi mod feeding coil 4 which is the case cuz i've looked at the diagrams for a 4 cylinder. now this is where i think the mistake is being made there are lil numbers on the terminal bar 1's 2's 3's 4's i'm pretty sure these are corresponding with the mods #1 #2 # 3. the 4's would be for the the output not being used because i only have 3 cylinders not 4. i'm going to post a picture with just the module pack i'm talking about cuz the one that does #1 and #2 works fine and seems right.
I don't know if it makes it less confusing but it comes down to the trigger wires being connected with the wires for #3 and the yellow wire that feeds the power into the module being connected with the wire for #4 i understand that the numbers on the terminal bar aren't real and don't really mean anything but if that yellow wire is to feed the redwire that's not connected then i would get no spark and if the trigger wires are meant to set off the the #3 output being the orange then i would also get no spark. now maybe the numbers don't exactly correspond with the module numbers and yellow does feed power to the orange and the trigger wires are telling the orange wire to fire and maybe my pack is just no good and i'm banging my head into a wall for no reason. but what if its just these wiring diagrams are screwed up guess only one way to find out.