
New to me, 3a malta engine.


New member
G'day everyone, Rob here over in Aus, Just bought this little motor and can not work out how the trim angle rod unlocks from the latch.
The trim angle rod did not come with the motor so i used a piece of 1/4 SS rod in it's place. Now when the motor is put in the down position, i can not lift it back up without removing the rod.
I am presuming that a lever or linkage of some sort is missing, but there is no indication of anything out of place,
The tilt support lever works how it should and i am guessing that on operation of this lever it should open the latch and let the motor lift.
Can anyone help me with a decent diagram on this part of the motor? or a link to one. I have looked at other pictures on the net, but none are clear enough to see properly,
Also is there any way to tell the year made from this [ 3A 6L5 S ] serial no 045213, i had a look in the model year guide but could not work it out.
Thanks in advance Rob.