
Need a part number please


1987 mercury 35HP 0B160232

Can someone help me with a part number, or at least the thread pattern for the nuts for the power head mounting studs?

These are the studs that attach the power head to the exhaust plate. I lost a nut and none in my odds and ends jar fit the threads. Some fit the diameter but won't thread on. i think it is a very fine threading on the studs.

I have no problem buying an equivalent from the hardware store, so if you happen to know the right size and threading, please tell me.


- Ben
Take one other nut to the hardware store.----------The assistant there will know how to match it up.

I'll admit Truthfully.... I forgot to bring my example nut with me to work today, and I would like to pick one up on the way home since the store is near my office. and I don't want to make another trip back out if possible.