
motor mounts on a 97 baja


Regular Contributor
ok on a 97 21' baja outlaw does anybody know what the two bolts that screw into the stringer. what do they screw into they act like they are stripped want tighten up!!! any ideas??? thanks anybody:)
Ditto! Completely remove one of the screws (most likely lag screws) and use a piece of coat hanger with the end bent slightly to get a sample of the wood in the hole.
I would recommend injecting with CPES available from the Rotdoctor.com http://www.rotdoctor.com/L/BoatL/bQA123.html I used this on my new transome to prevent rot and I highly recommend it. I break screwbits when putting in #8 & #10 wood screws. ( of course before I started pre-drilling for them ) You could put some filler into the holes (may as well do both sides of the engine) then drill the holes to the propper size and re-screw. I really does soak in very well!! even top down through plywood layers, not just from the edge.
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If you do replace the core wood, cut only the top of the fiberglass shell from the engine mount tower. Carve out the rotten material!
Replace the wood core chinking around it with glass/resin, and then re-lay glass matting/cloth around the top portion.
Now your lag bolts will bite!
Don't forget to re-adjust for engine coupler/drive alignment.

I had exact problem, replacing timber huge nightmare, so i driiled out affected area and poured in 2 part epoxy filler, next day drilled 3/8 holes for 1/2 inch x 4 in SS coach screws. Rock Solid.

you may need to use 90 deg angle drill if engine still in. (dont forget to support engine below sump)

Use 1 1/2 or 2in hole saw to break thru glass, and go deep down into stringer, as deep as possible. (x4). dig all soft wood out, and make sure hole is an odd shape so epoxy cant spin or pullout. (drill some angled holes into soft wood.)

pour in wood rot treatment as per Kainon said. I waited a week after treatment before filling with epoxy.

after treatment done, pour 2 part epoxy filler and fill to top. I used a product called "MEGAPOXY". cant find cat#, it was 50/50 mix of black and white gooey liquids, mixed product was grey (like a melted penguin).

Megapoxy has a few different products, make sure you use the one that is liquid enough to be poured into your 4 big holes.

Dried epoxy is hard, about same hardness as hardwood. can be drilled, screwed but does not shatter or chip like Fibreglass resin. Mark.
thanks tuna man good info!!! on my motor mount i have a plate that is on the backside of the stringer two ears at the end of the plate that goes over the heads of the bolts,also on this plate about 4" down has a 3/8 bolt that goes all the way threw the stringer with a nut on it!!!