
low power


New member
I have a 2005 Mercury 225, cxl 4 stroke. This was one of those Yamaha motors with a Mercury name. I had it checked out this winter by a merc mechanic, checked compression, changed plugs, could not hook up to PC, it has a beeping light for troulble. My proplem, I can only get it up to 4400 rpm and speed of 31 mph. I have a 22 ft. cc. This seems a bit week for this size motor. It takes a full minute or longer to get up on plane, as long as I ask whoever is with me to move to the front of the boat, this does not seem right. for that long minute it sound like It'st building power slowly and once it reaches full power it seems to back off from there. Got the boat last year and did not have this problem, so I know it's not the prop. I'm going to seek a Yamaha mechanic in the near future but whating to enjoy whats left of summer, any ideas?
I replaced the hub last year, but I will inspect again, and yes I bury my trim tabs to help in getting on plan. Thanks for your reply. Alan