
LM 318 LM340 amp M360 raw water cooling diagram from b74 service bulletin


Contributing Member
"A reader on this board saw th

"A reader on this board saw the photos I posted of my FWC cooling system and emailed to ask if I had any info on the raw water cooled set up. I don't have any firsthand experience with a raw water cooled Chrysler, but I scaned a pdf that shows the recommended flow configuration. This is from a 1974 service bulletin when the dual pocket raw water pump was replaced with the single impellar pump. You can download the pdf here:
http://www.coastalcafe.com/images/trojan_26/1974_Chrysler_service_bulletin_228_L M318-Lm340-M360_raw_water_cooling.pdf

Today is the first day the weather is good enough to work outside on the boat here. I'm hoping for a lot more good weather to come. Happy Spring!
