
LM 318 conversion to one wire alternator


New member
Going to install one wire alternator on starboard LM 318. What happens to extra wires? Any wiring needed for volt meter? Thanks, Stuski
I changed mine over 2 years ago, works great. I only had one extra wire-to the regulator-just taped it off. You may have a ground wire which is not necessary but doesn't hurt either.
Going to install one wire alternator on starboard LM 318. What happens to extra wires? Any wiring needed for volt meter? Thanks, Stuski
Like slow cruiser said, cap off the circuits that are no longer going to be used.
Make sure that you include the chassis Negative cable to the engine block.

This is likely a Delco 10si alternator that you're talking about. They do work great, but note that these may not self excite until around 1,200 rpm or so.
Once excited, they will remain excited even at low rpm until you shut down again.
This is normal for the Delco 10si single wire alternator.

As for the helm located volt meter, it's power will be provided via your helm harness.

'they will remain excited even at low rpm until you shut down again.
This is normal for the Delco 10si single wire alternator'

I didn't know that... If the original Chrysler can be converted to one wire will
work the same way ?

If the original Chrysler can be converted to one wire will work the same way ?
Jack, I'm not certain, but I believe that the Chrysler alternators have always required the external voltage regulator.
If that is the case, I doubt that they can converted to operate like the single wire 10si.

All you need is the correct module inside the alternator. A good rebuilder will install it for you.


PS: One warning on one wires: If you do a LOT of dead low speed running (in No Wake Zones) these are not for you. One has to blip the throttle to get them to initially charge, and running along at idle speed often causes them to stop charging (until the throttle is blipped again).
PS: One warning on one wires: If you do a LOT of dead low speed running (in No Wake Zones) these are not for you. One has to blip the throttle to get them to initially charge, and running along at idle speed often causes them to stop charging (until the throttle is blipped again).
Jeff, I've been using the Delco 10si for years, and I've installed quite a few of them.
I have never experienced one that dropped out once it had been initially excited.

Yes..... they do require an RPM bump to get them initially excited.

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