
Johnson 48 spl

A picture of your rig would help. Does it look something like the one below? If so, that should run fairly light and would probably be fine with a 12x17 prop. I know you're looking for an exact answer, but it might be tough to come across someone with your exact rig.

The best we can do is give advice based on our experience, that's why I referenced my old Sea Nymph in your other post. It was about the same hull shape as your SeaArk but with quite a bit of weight, thus the need for the 15P prop. The 48SPL and 50HP are essentially the exact same engine, so if yours is open like the picture below then the 17P will probably be a good choice.

Is the boat currently running? If so, what size prop and what speed and RPM are you getting at WOT.

After a little research the 1648 flat bottom i saw had a 35hp max rating. What does your sticker say? With the right prop you may just find yourself airborne. Be careful and put some weight in the bow to keep it on the water!