
It's always something


Well it's happened again, just when I'm rounding the corner on one problem. Bam! here come the second punch. OUCH!!!

the first glich was the serpantine belt throwing issue, now as I was trailering the boat back to the water after pulling for the BIG IRENE. I find that my outdrive had lowered during the ride.
There was an external leak coming from the pump/hose manifold area.

This is a 2007 DPS-A with the external transom shield mounted pump. any chance this is a seal problem or am I looking at replacement pump.

also anyone know how these hoses mount into the manifold. Kinda a strange set-up.

Thank You

Tony G.
Sorry for the delay in response times, but been busy looking for the right fix. No pics right now but when the new parts arrive on tuesday and I get down to the boat to repair I'll post both before and after pics.

Looks like there was an issue with the original design and the fix is a newly designed pump assembely with hoses attached. Not sure where the leak is coming from, but the general area is the manifold (which is intergrated into the pump) and hose entrance to the pump.

I inquired at my local shop, where I've done buiness for 20 yrs, and they said we have replacing them with the new assem. Not to take thier word for it I also asked the folks I bought the motor/drive package from and they also said they have been replacing them with the new assem.

The issue appears to be the way the hoses attaches to the manifold. I don't even think they secured with a nut just a seal and a retaining clip.
This is the next generation drive that debuted in 2007 and this is a 2007 drive, major changes where externaly mounted trim pump and two extra bolts to secure the transom sheild to the transom.
Well I'm convinced, There will always be something. no matter how much time or money we spend on trying to prevent headaches in the future.

As I prepared for the R & R of the new tilt/trim, I was removing the drive leg from the transom shield. And as I seperated the drive, oil came streaming out of the bellows. Nice, so I guess the seal behind the drive shaft/u-joint gave out. (I may have cause this myself by over filling). Although I've doing this for only 20 years it seems that if the drive is over filled it can build up enough pressure to blow by the seal.

The good news, the remaining fluid was clear and there was no metal on the magnet. My local Volvo penta dealer/ service yard has the drive and will look at it on tuesday.

Anyone had any experiences like this with drive.

BTW the the tilt/trim pump works good although I don't have the drive leg on the pistons operate fine.


Tony G.