
How to treat corrosion under distributor cap.


Regular Contributor
During spring check out I noticed significant t corrosion dust on the ignition parts under distributor cap. I’ve bout new cap, rotor, timing, advance springs. Any tips on how to best clean the corrosion on distributor parts.

Secondly, I dropped a screw from the rotor cap. I’ve looked everywhere where. I hope it did not fall down the carb. If I don’t find the screw I’m thinking I to take carb off.

If screw did fall down carb any ideas on how best to try to retrieve? Maybe magnet of some sort!! Feel pretty dumb!
I’ve bout new cap, rotor, timing, advance springs. Any tips on how to best clean the corrosion on distributor parts.
If you have new parts, what needs cleaning? Maybe include a picture? I ask because there are different methods of cleaning parts, and the part will sometimes dictate the method used. If you have mechanics or machine shops nearby you can always try to work out a deal with one of them to sandblast some parts for you. They don't usually charge much and you can skip the expense and hassle of setting up a new sandblaster.
Secondly, I dropped a screw from the rotor cap. I’ve looked everywhere where. I hope it did not fall down the carb. If I don’t find the screw I’m thinking I to take carb off.
As a personal rule, any fasteners dropped in a functional area such as an engine bay MUST BE FOUND before completion. You might need a magnet. Most auto parts stores have them. They look like a radio antenna with a magnet on the end. Not all fasteners can be picked up with a magnet. In that case you may need one of these retrieval tools. If you can't find it and you want to move on you can check inside with a borescope to make sure that the fastener did not fall into the intake. It isn't a big job to remove a carb if you have to, just do whatever you need to do to get that fastener out if it is in there. Good luck.
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