
How difficult


New member
how difficult is it to rebuild

how difficult is it to rebuild the powerhead on 1990 150 xp? is this something i will be able to do myself? also how much would it cost to have a shop do it?
"Three years ago I had my 1979

"Three years ago I had my 1979 Evinrude 140 rebuilt for about $2,200. That included a new head, a new top bearing housing, new pistons, and machining two of the cylinders, plus a hone on the other two. Also in the job the mechanic added a tilt/trim to the motor for which he charged me $250 for the used unit he put on.

I'm not sure how much different the pricing for parts would be for your 6 cylinder, but I would say $2,000 is a pretty fair ballpark for a complete rebuild. If you are very technically/mechanically competent you could do the job yourself. However if you are lacking at all in abilities and can find a very knowledgeable mechanic, I'd say it's worth letting them do the job. The other factor is familiarity. It's not too difficult to tear down a motor and follow a manual to put it back together. But someone with experience will know what to look for and where to find it that will determine the initial cause of damage and they'll know what to do to prevent it from happening again.

i'm not sure that there is

i'm not sure that there is any damage. i have low compression on one of the cylinders and the gasket behind the jugs is blown out in two places. (one on each side) so there is gas and oil being spit out evry time the piston pumps. granted its not alot but i want to make sure #1 its not ruining the waterways i use and #2 i'm having problems with the motor. i figured that if i'm going to replace that gasket i might as well rebuild it while im at it. make sense?