
Gas guage problem


what could cause the gas guage

what could cause the gas guage to read backwards. filled it up and it was on E as fuel was burned it started going to full.when it was almost empty it read almost full.
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Did you

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Did you wake up one morning and find this to be the case?
Did you replace something and then this happened?
"Sender - gauge mismatch...mos

"Sender - gauge mismatch...most likely due to 'substitute' part, would be my guess."
sounds like someone was playin

sounds like someone was playing with wires and crossed the ground with the sender wire. (that would do that right?? thinking? hmm.. )
"The sensor isn't polarity

"The sensor isn't polarity sensitive, however the gauge itself sure is... hence my question above.."
"If you have a magnetic type s

"If you have a magnetic type sender ( a plastic module that can be removed without removing the sending unit from the tank) then it could be very possible that it just flipped out.

If it is that type remove it and reinstall it and see if it works correctly.

Most sending units are one piece units and the sender is nothing more than a variable resistor. ~ 80 to 240 ohms... The magnetic types also have the same resistance but use a encapsulated module that is easily replaceable.

The only polarity sensitivity is sending unit sender to S termial on guage, ground to good ground. Wire color should be PINK for sender and BLACK to ground."