
From the land down under. Water ! Water ! Every where .


Regular Contributor
Just to say hi from Brisbane, Queensland Australia. Went through the 1974 flood and now the 2011. While this one was about 4 foot lower than 1974 it is worst due to years of development. I hope you never experience this first hand. Worst drought in 100 years and now this. But ! Queensland is not the only state in flood. We have fires , droughts and floods. I do not know which is worst ! Well its 6.29 am and I am off to lend a hand. Coaster

We have been reading about it and watching it in the news. It's unbelievable and our hearts go out to you.

I hope you can recover and rebuild soon.

Best wishes to you and your family and friends,

Andrew (and all of us here at MarineEngine.com)
Wow, it's unreal what you guys are going through. And I thought our 3 feet of snow was bad! Thoughts are with you guys. Hope things settle down soon and that you can look back with your buddies over a few brew. All the best mate. Keep us posted.