
Corrosion Block


Contributing Member
Hello, does anybody have any experience using the Corrosion Block product. I live in a salt water/air environment and others recommend this product. They tell me to spray it all over my powerhead, the stuff is supposedly amazing.

Anyone use it?
i use this stuff called 656 i beleive that the naem. it is in a blue spray can. i live in ALL saltwater and when i am done flushing my motor i spray the corrosion inhibitor all over the powerhead,magneto, electrical, fuel lines and really anything that could crack or corode due to the salt water. of course use while motor is energized. but yeah so far its working great for me. try it.
You should also run salt away to flush and clean the inside of the block or it could end up looking like this.....

Link for a product that works ...
all the 'spray greases' make a horrible mess....
i have used many,and worked on engines covered w/that ....stuff...
wd40 is my choice----nothing else,no imitatins of wd-----wd40