
congratulations to our newest gold level contributor


Silver Medal Contributor
We should take a moment to recognize Guyjg for "surpassing" 10,000 posts and achieving gold status.

That speaks volumes to the amount of personal time he has spend trying to assist others without benefit or compensation.

So, for those who seek advice, it's nice to hear a thanks - nothing else is ever asked for.

Well done Guy.
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Many thanks for the opportunity to lend a hand. Back in 1970 I was a 19 yr old newlywed Army private when our car blew its engine in Dandridge, Tennessee. I had to be in Oakland, CA in 3 days for a flight to my new duty station in Okinawa, Japan. Preacher Vesser was kind enough to rebuild the engine for the cost of the parts working through the night. Grace Swan gave us a room to stay in and some cake to celebrate our wedding...we had eloped. She also offered us the use of her car while repairs were made which we declined. We were on the road the next morning. That is when I vowed to help others whenever I could at no cost. It has been a great life experience.
There are some really good folks out thee, and you obviously got to meet a few.

And thanks for serving our country.


Thank you for your service both to this forum and our country. I am grateful to all the contributors that help us amateurs out. :)