
Center Hub Flywheel Magnet Replacement - Possible? Yes or No

238 Coastal

New member
1995 200 hp Johnson Ocean Runner - J200TXEOC

I have been chasing a "cascading" electrical problem. Have replaced some obviously damaged ignition components. After 3rd time taking off the flywheel, I finally found the loose center hub magnet. I have reattached as per CDI guidelines, but still cannot get this fine ol' motor running right...I have searched high and low on the subject but hoping one or more of the OMC gurus here may help. Is every flywheel individually timed at factory? OR can you just reattach center hub magnet per "standard" CDI alignment, or as some say, get a whole new flywheel? I DO have a white mark on flywheel with a notch on magnet to align that way if it is the BEST way (about an inch and a half away from CDI specs). Then I would need to dissolve the new JB Weld if even possible on this.
Thanks in advance for any and all thoughts/ideas on the subject.
Thanks for getting back to me.
Timing is still way out. Does not like to idle any more. My new stator is suspect as well through a couple simple tests, but I really want to make sure the flywheel center hub magnet fix is a legit fix. I thought I had finally tracked down my problem!
Get a good flywheel.. also some of the CDI drawings are incorrect.

So...I do have the mark on the flywheel and notch on magnet, I could align with (if I can dissolve JB Weld). Factory timed notch?? Unfortunately I have not found any flywheels out here on the west coast yet, I definitely would like to see it in person if possible. I have seen some online, but they look terrible, or worse, newly painted and not cheap to take a chance on.