
BF40A broken bolt on remote control throttle handle

The bolt that holds the remote control throttle handle to the rest of the control box broke off. This long bolt runs from the back side of the control box. (See pics below). Since the bolt sheared off, I don't know how long it was. But more importantly, I don't know what kind of fastener, spacer, etc. is supposed to go on to the end of the bolt.

I have hunted high and low for a parts diagram of the remote control, with no luck. So I can't "see" how it's supposed to be. Does anyone know?

I thought I'd just go down the hardware store and match the bolt (no problem), but like I said, I don't know how the end of the bolt should be secured to the exposed part of the control box. If I put a washer and nut, the handle won't move freely. It seems I need a spacer, but I have no idea what type.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

My motor is a 40 hp (BF-40A). In case it matters my serial number is BAYS-3200571



The bolt goes in from the rear. There is no second bolt. It tends to come loose unless you use a little blue loctite to keep it in place.

Thanks, Mike. I guess I was fooled by the fact that the hole on the front is threaded.

This is very helpful. I'm reassembling with blue loctite now. -)