
Beware of eBay boat cover seller CS Enterprises


Outstanding Contributor
They have stolen my money and

They have stolen my money and somehow convinced Paypal they shipped a cover to me - they didn't and I'm out $191. Beware- do not order anything from them
"Can't legally obtain info

"Can't legally obtain info about something someone else shipped so that's not an option. I was actually REQUIRED to send a letter to the USPS at one point "testifying" that I had not rec'd it after 60 days, which I hadn't.

3 months!! after Payment, seller ships empty box C.O.D. to get a tracking number and to try and get your money twice. Paypal goes by the tracking number and sees delivery attempt so they side with seller.

Seller dragged it out past eBay feedback cutoff.

Claim made to Visa, but here some advice - NEVER carry a Paypal balance. I had sold something worth $50 just before buying this, then paid the $191, so my Visa only shows $140 as the $50 came out of my paypal balance- so now that's all I can claim there. Lucky I didn't have the whole 191 in my pp acct.

BTW eBay seller now goes by user ID
As of yesterday they have pull

As of yesterday they have pulled ALL their auctions... I wonder if account is suspended
"oops- somebody wandered in he

"oops- somebody wandered in here by accident....I think P&M wanted iboats.... it's iboats.com -they will help you over there piss, see ya later, bye...

Actually that was pretty funny... but obviously from someone who does not value customer service and probably has never held a wrench anyways so no fear of ripping off the customers...

and of course it already exists.
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"P+M.. you said "Bye&#

"P+M.. you said "Bye"...PROMISE????
BTW, for the record, I'm not nor have even been a mechanic, I'm a retired design engineer with two patents and a USCG 50T Masters License.
I own a 1969 boat, that is almost troublefree (for a boat anyway...) why, because I do my own scheduled and preventative maintenance and don't usually send the boat to a dealer who charges me primo rates and has some apprentice do the job unsupervised. The last two "problems" that I had on the boat were both "dealer induced mistakes" ( my wife said I could not do the engine swap myself...health reasons!) that I had to fix. I contribute to the site (hopefully more than I ask from it!) because I have the time and because I come from a pre-seatow era (no rocks here at seatow!) where by and large those of us out at sea had to depend on each other. Over the years many have helped me and I hope that I can also help others in time. So my question for P+M (too bad he said "Bye" and left already :) ) If we have no lives posting to these forums, what does that say about you who posts criticizing those who do, and who apparently has nothing to contribute of value (baseless criticism does not count) to anyone and if they did have anything would not contribute it on principal ( or lack of it!) ? I'd like to be alive 40 yrs from now (unlikey!) just to see if any 2008 production boats were still running around looking sharp."
Thank you for

Thank you for your valued input and continued support of this forum. I too, like Robert own an 'old' boat, which provides my family and I with a huge amount of enjoyment. I could afford a new boat....but choose no to as they've got no soul! This forum has been invaluable (would you like me to explain what that big word means?) in getting my boat to the fantastic condition it's in now.
Anyway, by responding to your childish postings, we're just encouraging you so happy boating P+M...and carry on tossing!"
How did I manage to not become

How did I manage to not become a target for this jack-ass? ...I almost feel cheated!
"*********" the idiot

"*********" the idiot can't even spell it correctly .... def. a moron who doesn't own a boat and dropped out of school to make it "big".

Buy a dictionary P&M before attempting to sound intelligent again!
Well well apparently I can&#39

Well well apparently I can't read and he can spell ... still wondering about the intelligence thing though??
"I can't help but make a c

"I can't help but make a comment to this jerk. Like Mark I also own an old boat the gives lots of enjoyment to my family. Can I afford a better one yes, but I am having a blast with my boat. The people on this forum are awesome. I have learned more from them then any book. Thank God they do take the time and also WARN us about rip offs. I would like to ask you why you are sitting on your butt reading this forum?"
"why you are sitting on yo

"why you are sitting on your butt reading this forum?"

I'll bet he's a dung beetle w/plenty of time on his hands.
"Stop overating him Guy, you g

"Stop overating him Guy, you give a bad name to dung beetles, at least they break it down instead of spreading more.
You Know Who.
How is it "Down Under"

How is it "Down Under"? Next time you take a trip to the "Outback" turn over a few rocks and see if our visitor is under one of them.

For those who think gas prices are high; I bought a gallon of raw honey from a farmer friend yesterday. The price was $40 per gallon which is up from $26/gal last year. He said the honey bees are on strike.
Come on lets get him! This guy

Come on lets get him! This guy is probably a half assed dealer mechanic who has lost his job because of incompetence(that means you are bad at doing something P&M).And why is he sitting around this forum trashing someone for warning others about a disreputable seller? Talk about no life!!!!!Pi** on him.
"Actually he's a troll. H

"Actually he's a troll. He deliberately post false or controversial messages to gain attention for the sake of attention, usually from people who genuinely want to help. Though it's fun to counter post, your giving him the response he wants."
"Ej Breeze, I completely agree

"Ej Breeze, I completely agree with you....it will be exactly what they want...good fun though!.and I've picked up some fantastic new insults from 'across the pond!'"
"Hey Guy

As I write this re

"Hey Guy

As I write this response it is 7-35 on Sat morning the weather is still and sunny at around 18deg C.
The lake where I live is like a sheet of Glass, my boat is tied up at the local club with plenty of fuel onboard and a few not so cold coldies in the ice box, the fish are on and I am at WORK

Never mind, we will probably go for an evening cruise tonight before I yank the old girl out of the water tomorow to clean its backside and do a couple of jobs that need to be done over the next couple of months.

Good to see not much has changed around here and the tossers still come to play from time to time.

Keep your prop wet and your bimbi dry.

Cheers from the land down under.

Peter C"
"I'll be over in 20 minute

"I'll be over in 20 minutes. Dang! I forgot, my teleporter needs a new pfluegerhaggen. I'll have to get it from the aliens that stopped by here last month. We drank a few beers, shot the bull, made a few crop circles together and scared the bajeebies out of two lovebirds down the street. Boy we had fun! Can't wait until they stop by again. I'll bring them over for a boat ride."
I dont know what type of

I dont know what type of beer it was but it sounds like it works better than what I have in the ice box.
Can you pick up a carton on the way?
See ya then.
Peter C
Thank you Andrew ... I believe

Thank you Andrew ... I believe he was merely "advertising" for his own web page and I believe any further postings should be ignored and hopefully deleted!

Cheers Norm