
Best Customer Comment this year, So far!


Silver Medal Contributor
Doing a re-power on an older boat. Explained to the owner that the transom assembly was so deteriorated that it needed to be replaced.

His response was "If I put in a new transom assembly, how am I going to afford the new stereo that I want to install?"
Tell him to forget about the transom, install the radio and offer to throw in a Deep Purple CD titled "Smoke on the Water". lol Sorry, just had to throw that in there! I think his priorities are a little bit out of wack! Bet he would forget about the transom real quick after the stereo system was blairing for a minute or two. Then you would hear this in the distance: " Man the lifeboats men!" "Were taking on water" "I think we're sinking" and finally " It's every man for him self" lmao. I know, I know, I'll be nice! later, Tom
Life is too short, gotta laugh once in a while! Just makes you wonder sometimes how some people think! My brother in law had a little boat with an 85 horsepower Evinrude, so he decided to take me fishing in the Delaware Bay. Anyways, as he was running engine in water and under full load, I couldn't help noticing that the transom was flexing like a rubber band in and out, in and out. I saw that and told him to turn around and drop me off at the nearest dock. That ended that fishing trip rather quickly! lol When we got back home we looked over the transom and found that the only thing holding the engine to the boat was the fiberglass outer skin which was starting to tear! lol I swear to God! What a wreck! He apparently got the boat for nothing from his old boss so I guess that answers that! I learned the hard way to avoid anybody that wants to give you a boat for free! And it always seems like they want the trailer back at the end of it all! I guess that is the only thing in their mind that they could actually place any sort of value. lol Am I right? lol
talk to you later, Tom