
AQ131 volvo carburator


Contributing Member

Was wondering how


Was wondering how important the full speed jet on top of the carburator is. I stripped the fuel line on the top cover plate and the spare plate has no full speed jet like the other one had. would this effect how the motor runs? and if i changed the whole carb to a model with no full speed jet would it run normal?

Barry G."
"This is a joke, right? If no

"This is a joke, right? If not... What do you think the jet is in there for? Serious.

"A simple yes or no would have

"A simple yes or no would have been good, but tell me what is it in there for? just wanted a little info on what it does and if my engine can use a different model # that doesn't have that jet. trying to save myself some extra work and money since I do have an extra carb. But I don't want to put it on if I'm wasting my time.

Barry G."

That jet is a carefu


That jet is a carefully selected orifice that determines how much fuel mixes with the air. It MUST be there.


PS: Sorry for the sarcasm. I thought you might be kidding.