
AQ-130C cylinder head needed


New member
Got a boat handed down to me and it seems the cylinder head was replaced some time ago with an auto cylinder head. as a consequence the engine AWAYS runs hot.

Looking for a crack free marine cylinder head.


I took the thermostat out thinking it would help!! I guess I'll reinstall and get a new temp sending unit as well.

Can anyone say for sure if a Volvo B-20 automobile head will work on a volvo aq-130 (b-20) marine engine? Is there a water jacket issue between the block and the head??
Sometimes you will have to also open the expansion tank and take the core out and back flush it with some good water pressure, also if your running an oil cooler??they sometimes get a bunch of **** clogged up in them, i had the same problem on my bb140 and could'nt figure it out for the longest time, but it was just poor circulation.
Another thing to check in the way of circulation is the water neck (?) on the top of the leg. I know on mine it was all corroded and pitted real bad and it leaked allowing air to sneek in. They are easily found on Ebay for relatively cheap.
auto b20 head will not work. The auto head has ports for the water pump on a car and the marine application does not. that is the most obvious difference. put a clear hose in the area of before your pump to see if you are sucking air. also like others said put thermostat in and see. good luck
Thanks for the input...I have gone through every aspect of the cooling system and NOTHING is clogged. The only issue is the possibility that the cylinder head is incorrect and the fact the thermostat is out...