
95 force 120 head torque #2

This is addition to my previous post. After looking deeper into this, it looks like the head itself is different from the 94 to the 95. As far as I can see mine is a 95 and should be torqued to 120 ft. lbs. plus a 1/4 turn. Attached is a pic of the head. I would appreciate someone verifying that. 145C1DD4-2F0A-4654-85BD-80209EF47AE3.jpeg
/www.ebay.com/itm/FORCE-Outboards-90-120-HP-Service-Manual-90-830565-Models-1995/174149601409?hash=item288c200881:g:2ZgAAOSw1W9eFgpy This is a link to a factory shop manual for your engine on Ebay. There are many on there, this one is just an example. As JerryJerry would say, much better than Seloc or Clymer....more detail.
225 in. pounds
or 18ft.pounds

IF??? you crank them to 120# your gonna risk stripping out the
soft aluminum threads in the block.
hi there
I got the same engine 95 120hp and I need to remove one piston
you know if is possible to remove the intake manifold without taking the motor completely off?
I already took all the bolts off and still doesn't come off